Monday, February 9, 2015

Final Project Options

Working on your own, decide on which project you would like to do.  This is due next Tuesday!!  See below for what I am looking for in a quality project!
  • The project's written portion(s) use(s) appropriate grammar, spelling, and mechanics 
  • The project includes all required elements and generally follows guidelines 
  • The project clearly demonstrates that its creator read the novel in its entirety 
  • The project is presented well, clearly, and with enthusiasm 
  • The project shows sufficient planning and effort
  • The project is neat and orderly in appearance
1. You’ve been hired to direct and cast the characters for a new movie version of The Westing Game. Who would you select for each part (actors or people you know), and why? What kind of acting instructions would you give to each person?

2. Make “Wanted” posters for four of the Westing heirs. Illustrate your posters using physical descriptions from the novel, and include information on your poster about what makes each character suspicious or what their "crimes" are. 

        Picture of the suspect
        Brief written description under the picture;
for example:
o   Look like
o   Age, occupation
o   Wanted for
o   Last seen

3. Each of the 16 heirs of Sam Westing has some kind of past connection to him. Using Judge Ford’s notes on each heir, create a web with Sam Westing in the center, showing all of the connections between Sam and his heirs. Include as many details as you can, and show the connections between the heirs as well.

4. Create a movie--using either live actors, puppets, animation, or a mixture--acting out a pivotal scene in the novel. The final version should be between 2 and 5 minutes long.

5. Create a storyboard or illustrated timeline of the novel with at least 15 important events or scenes in it. These scenes should be colorful and neat, as well as large enough to view easily (they may be digitally presented or in any paper form you choose). 

6. Research the writing of a will. Why might you want a lawyer to help with the writing of a will? Find out what might invalidate a will. Try and locate some funny or interesting wills. Culminate this activity by writing your own will.

7. Write a detailed obituary for two of the characters in the novel. Read some of the obituaries in a local newspaper as preparation for this exercise. 
        Full name of the deceased
        Place of birth
        Name of significant other and names of immediate family
        Name, date, place of funeral service.
        Notable accomplishments

8. Create a newspaper for your book. Summarize the plot in one article, cover the weather in another, do a featured story on one of the more important characters in another. Include an editorial, at least four ads that would be pertinent to the story, and one comic strip about the story.

9. Pretend you are a Westingtown police detective and create three files, one each on three different suspects in The Westing Game. Use manila folders and try to make each as genuine as possible; they should each contain a detailed photograph, a list of positive and negative traits of the character, and other pertinent information (occupation, partner in the game, motives, clues you found, family, birth certificate, etc.). Don’t just write all this on a sheet of paper; use your imagination and have fun! You should include a note to your boss explaining which suspect you think is the guilty party and why. 

10. Board game- Design a game (similar to “Clue”), based on the characters and events that occurred in the novel, create a board game.
Game must include:
        A game board
        Objective of the game
        Rule sheet
        Events from the novel
        Characters from the novel

11. Create a slideshow or podcast to present the following information:
        Main Problem (of the book)
        Solution (to the problem)
        Opinion of the novel
o   Rating
o   Why

Your choice! Is there a different project you'd like to do? Let me know, and we'll work it out.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Chapter 28 questions - Erin

  1. What is a hangover? Who had one? What page was it on?
  2. In your own opinion, who had the happiest ending?
  3. How did Grace Wexler’s opinion of Turtle change through the book?
  4. Who was the antagonist of the story?
  5. Who was the protagonist of the story?

Chapter 30 Questions - Deanna

Westing Game Questions
(Chapter 30)

  1. What did Turtle do after the game?
  2. What does the word commissioner mean? What page?
  3. Who all died? And were you suspised and why?
  4. Did you like the ending?
  5. Who did it say died 2 years ago?

Friday, January 30, 2015

26 questions from Lucy

Chapter 26 questions from Lucy

  1. What did it mean when it said “Judge Ford rapped for silence”? What page is this on?
  2. Who had to give Judge Ford their gun so he could lock it away?
  3. “I saw it,” Grace Wexler cried, “I saw him.” Who did Grace see? Why was Grace so freaked out when she saw “him”?
  4. What is a “flask”? What page is this word on? Who let Turtle borrow theirs?
  5. What was the judges question on page 169? Who was getting the question asked to them?

27 questions from Ethan

1. Why did the Westing house burn to the ground?

2. What does "vaguely" mean and where did it appear?

3. Why did Turtle win the Westing game?

4. What did Turtle mean when she said she couldn't keep up this act any longer?

5. What were the four identities of Windy Windkloppel?

Friday, January 23, 2015

Chapter 25 Questions from Keian

1. How many heirs are remaining?

2. Whose transcript was Turtle looking at?

3. What does dastardly mean?  Who defined it?

4. Who thinks Crow isn't going to inherit anything?  Why?

5. Who is Westing's queen?

Chapter 24 Questions from Max

  1. What does the word “appointed” mean? What page can it be found on?
  2. Who did Madame Hoo think was the bad person, and why?
  3.  At first, who did Mr. Hoo think was the possible murderer?
  4. From the sentence : “ Sandy stood, took a long swig from his flask, coughed, then spoke in a hoarse voice. What do you think a flask is, and what does it look like?
  5. For the clues on page 150, what do you think those clues represent as a clue?

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Chapter 23 Questions

1.  What was Berthe Crow's answer at the meeting and why is it interesting?

2. What Does Crimson Streaked Mean and Where is it mentioned?

3.  What do You think the plan made by Judge .J.J. Ford and her partners is and how do you think it will turn out in the end?

4. Why was it surprising that Theo and Doug Said "No answer?"

5. What is a "Nasal Voice" mean, where is it mentioned, and who had that type of voice?

6. What do think "do not pass go" means and what do you think they are going to do think?

7. Which team do you think won the inheritance and why? 


Friday, January 2, 2015

Chapter 22

1.Why does Crow not want to open the door?
2.What does developmental mean? What page is it mentioned on?
3.What is singed hair? What page is it mentioned on?
4.Do you think Otis Amber is Sam Westing?
5.What is a smart-aleck?What page is it mentioned on?
6.What does Grace think is a ugly name?
7.What does Turtle think is worst a haircut or a tooth filling?

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Chapter 21 Questions

1 Why do you think Turtle framed herself to save Angela?
2 What does the word downcast mean and what page can it be found on?
3 Do you think Angela and Sydelle were right about who the murderer was and who did they think it was?
4 What does the word remedy mean and what page can it be found on?
5 What did Crow and Otis use their money on?
6 Do you think Sam Westing is dead and if not who do you think he is?
7 What did Turtle do with the bourbon that J.J Ford gave her?