Sunday, April 6, 2014

Chapter 11

1. What dilemma do the tenants face the 3rd morning?
2. Who does Sydelle blame for stealing her book?  Why couldn't they read it?
3. What does Theo suggest to the tenants who have gathered for the meeting?
4. Why is there confusion about Turtle's name?  Why do you think that is?
5. What was the answer to Judge Ford's question?
6. What is a "larcenist"?  What page?  Who is accused of being on?
7. What is an "alibis"?  What page?


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  5. #4. At the end of this chapter Doug asked what Turtle's real name was. Flora said Alice but Grace said Tabitha-Ruth. I think it is because Turtle could be ashamed of her real name (I think her real name is Tabitha-Ruth) and wont want to tell anybody her real name.

    1. I disagree because Turtle could be telling the truth but her mom may want to deny it.

  6. #6 a larcenist is a person who participates in the wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal goods of another from his or her possession with intent to convert them to the taker's own use. Grace Wexler is called one on page 66.

  7. #2 Sydelle blames Mr.Hoo and Grace Wexler for stealing her notebook. it had a copy of the will in it, but it was written in shorthand and in nail polish. Ingenious, but I do wonder, do all girls carry around nail polish around with them? MAKEUP CRISIS! XD

    1. At first Sydelle is mad at Mr. Hoo but then he explains that he found the note book on the table that morning. Then he says that his partner, Grace Wexler can read short hand and then she sad that it was gibberish so Sydelle blames her instead.

  8. #1. the dilemma that the tenants had to face was whether to or to not share their clues.

    1. I wouldn't think that would be a dilemma because no tenant should even think about giving up their clues.

    2. That isn't exactly a dilemma because the tenants should never reveal their clues.

  9. #7 alibis means a claim or piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, typically a criminal one, is alleged to have taken place. pg 66

  10. #3. Theo suggests that the more clues they put together, the better chance they have of finding the murderer and winning the game, and the inheritance will be split equal.

  11. #5 The answer to Judge JJ Ford's question was Mr. Hoo because he was the only person who would admit that they new Sam Westing.

  12. #7 Alibis is on page 66 and it means a claim or piece of evidence that one was taken place elsewhere when an act is alleged to have taken place.
