Saturday, April 5, 2014

Chapter 12

1. Describe what happens in Mrs. Theodorakis in the kitchen:
2. According to JJ Ford, who are the four people with Westing connections?
3. What is strange when the Judge calls a private detective.  Any predictions about who she is talking to?
4. What are some of the "truths" Turtle decides to blurt out?
5. What did it say Turtle's "crutch" is?
6. What did Angela steal from Turtle?


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  5. #5. Turtle said well I don't need a crutch to get some attention. That went too far for Sydelle. Sydelle said that Turtle's crutch is a big mouth. Sydelle says that she hides her true feelings behind her big mouth.

    1. I agree that turtle said that he doesn't need a crutch just to get some attention, but Sydelle thought otherwise and thought it went too far. She then said Turtle's crutch has a big ,outh, and she says turtle hides her feelings.

    2. I agree. Sydelle said it because she was upset with Turtle for calling her out on her fake crutch.

  6. #6 Angela took a newspaper from turtles desk and maybe even took her mickey mouse clock.

    1. I agree that Turtle just thinks Angela took her Mickey mouse, but I don't know why Angela would.

  7. Theo and Doug ran into the kitchen as they heard screams and bangs. they saw Mrs. Theodorakis covered in "blood" as Angela was hesitant to or to not call the ambulance. Then she explained that it wasn't blood, it was tomato sauce, she said it blew up when it was on the stove with red and purple sparks. Judge ford then suggested that they report it to the police in order to collect the insurance. They decided to close up for a few days to clean up.

  8. #6 Angela stole a news paper from Turtle

    1. But Turtle thinks Angela took just er Mickey Mouse clock. P.S "newspaper" is one word!:)

  9. #2. JJ Ford thought that James Hoo, Theo's father, Sandy McSouthers, and herself, all had connections to the Westings.

    1. George Thodorakis knew Westing because he was Violet Westing's escort, and Sandy McSouther's knew Westing because he once worked at a Westing paper mill but got fired.

  10. #3 The strange thing about the private detective is that Judge JJ Ford reconizes their voice. And I think that the detective is Edar Jennings Plum because he was also there for the reading of the will and Judge Ford was wondering why he was assigned to such an important case and she also said something about playing right into Sam Westing's hand.

    1. I agree because Edjar Jennings Plum was the lawyer for the reading of the will.

  11. #3. I think that the private detective is Sandy McSouthers because the message said "Hello.If you're looking for a snowbound detective, you've got the right number." Sandy is snowbound in the apartments and the fact that she would recognize the voice makes sense. Ford and Sandy are partners so it would be reasonable to recognize his voice.

  12. #5 turtles "crutch" is her mouth
