Sunday, April 13, 2014

Chapter 4 Questions

1. What did Turtle find when she entered the house?
2. Why were sixteen people given letters from Mr. Westing?
3. What was unusual about Mr. Westing's obituary?  What game did he play?
4. What information did the newspaper leave out?
5. What page did "pyrotechnic" appear?  What does it mean?  Can you think of another word that looks like that word?
6. What does the word "heir" and "beneficiary" mean?  Who in the book was an heir or beneficiary?


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  6. #3 what was unusual was that they never told how they found the body. The game he played was Chess

  7. #5. The word "pyrotechnic" is found on page 19, It means something related to fireworks/explosives. Another word that is similar to it is "dynamite".

  8. #1 What Turtle found in the house was an old newspaper and it said that he was found dead in his mansion and he was sixty five and she keeps reading and it says that his estate is worth two million dollars.

  9. #2. The 16 people that received letters did because they were his nieces and nephews.

  10. #4 the newspaper left out who found Sam Westing, how they found him, and what was left behind by Turtle

  11. #6 An heir is someone who inherits property or money in someone's will. The word beneficiary means one who receives property or money when someone dies. (These words are pretty much the same in meaning).
